Circuits Board
We offer products for the production of printed circuit board.
Depending on the application, you will receive metal cleaners with and without tarnish protection, flux removers or resist strippers, antifoaming agents complete the range.
We will gladly send you more detailed information on selected products. Or call us directly.
GusChem - CC
Universal metal cleaner without tarnish protection
Application: before metal construction, placing the resist or solder resist mask, brown oxidation and before hot-tin plating.
Acid metal cleaner and degreaser without tarnish protection. Foam free from 20°C.
GusChem - CMA
Metal cleaner with tarnish protection
with additive also as fine etching caustic.
Application: before metal body, application of the resiste or the solder resist mask, brown oxidation and before hot-tin plating
For roughening copper surfaces and etching of carbon conductive layers.
Acid metal cleaner and degreaser with tarnish protection. Non-foaming.
GusChem - CA04
flux remover and degreasing agent (alkali free)
Applicatin area: cleaning and degrasing of metals, zinc diecasting, aluminium und plastics.
Liquid, neutral, foam-free working cleaner. For remove by washing flux after remelting or tin coating.
Neutral metalcleaner and degreaser with temporary tarnish agent. Foam-free.
GusChem - CA13
Resist stripper and degreasing agent
with potassium hydroxid
Applications: cleaning and degreasing of various materials.
Removes oil, grease, photopolymer (resist), cooling lubricants, drawing greases, polishing compounds and other contaminations.
Alcaline resist cleaner, dipping and ultrasonic cleaner. Demulsifying.